Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wake Me After Iowa

Hillary worked for WalMart, Barack sniffed cocaine (not as an innocent teenager but as an actual adult---gasp!---), Romney's still a Mormon, Thompson's a zombie, Guiliani's a cross-dressing closet liberal, McCain's against torture (who'da-thunk a Republican 'Nam vet would jeopardize America like that?), Joe Biden is still aristocratically condescending, Kucinich is a Nader nutcase, Ron Paul is genuine (and genuinely without a chance), Edwards maybe has a love child, Huckabee's name is waaayyy too un-presidential, and Bill Richardson...well- Bill Richardson's from New Mexico.

You know, I love politics. It's just the two-year long presidential campaign that is wearing me out. That, and the fact that the only drama in the Democratic campaign may come in Iowa- and Obama had better do a whole lot more with Oprah if he wants to create some there. It looks like a Hillary washout is in the offing...even with her questionable Senate voting record she could probably commit a few political murders (imagine a real Vince Foster situation- complete with a dead Newt Gingrich and Antonin Scalia) and still get the nomination. Probably the coronation too. There is a whole lot of fear and loathing of Ms. Clinton out there (not really sure why, maybe Rush and the boys had cold, overbearing moms growing up), but it's not enough to stop her from being elected. The Republicans are confused, factionalized, and scared (even more so than the Dems). Whoever ekes out that nomination won't stand a chance against the Clinton machine. I'm for Obama, but Hillary will win, and I'll take bets on that.

But unless Obama pulls it out in Iowa or Brownback incites a Christian jihad (complete with suicide bombers at UN headquarters) I'm done writing about politics until summer at least. My blog might be filled with many more observations on the weather, but sometimes that's the price you have to pay.

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