Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Fraternal Huckabee

So who really cares if Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers? (For the uninformed, in a NY Times Magazine interview Mike Huckabee was quoted as saying [regarding Mormonism], "I think it's a religion. I don't really know much about it. Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?") Notwithstanding the fact that this question has absolutely no relevance to whoever would do a better job running the country (yes, I know, Mike, that you didn't know the answer to this when you asked, you were genuinely interested in investigating Mormon doctrine and this wasn't a cheap ploy to try to swing the evangelical vote back in your favor). Any Sunbeam (3-4 year old Latter-Day Saint) who has attended primary (Sunday School) at least ten times in the past year could affirm the truth of this particular belief. And if you get right down to it Jesus and Satan being bros. should make a lot of sense to anyone who has given even the most superficial study to the Bible. I mean, brotherly strife isn't exactly a rarity in the Old Testament. Cain and Abel; Ham, Shem, and Japeth; Jacob and Esau... the list goes on. Mormons do believe in a pre-existence: sort of a life-before-life, so wouldn't it make sense (at least dramatically, if it turns out not to be the literal truth) if the Prince of Peace and the Prince of Darkness were brothers competing for the diverted attention of Dad (when you've created worlds without number it's hard to find time to play catch) in a biblical prequel?

I don't want this post to run on too long- and believe me it could, but I'm so, so sick of the endless debate over whether Mormons are Christians (they are... trust me, even if they don't believe the Nicene Creed [God is a shapeless omiscient being whom we ritualistically eat so he won't kill us when he returns???]) My point is that with so much at stake in this election, why are we focusing on whether we should elect a candidate based on what type of underwear he dons. Not voting for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon is incredibly shallow, bigoted, and just exposes your naked credulity (redundant?) to the Pat Robertsons of the world. Not voting for Mitt Romney because he will change every position he has ever had on any issue if he thinks it will gain him more votes demonstrates a much deeper level of political acumen.

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