Sunday, December 23, 2007

I Love My Job

I'm not sure when it exactly hit me- I mean, I've worked there for 5+ years (not counting my one-year county funded sabbatical)- but I really have a great job. I work at Dan Jones and Associates as a pollster, which, I grant, doesn't sound very glamorous- and isn't, but it could be a whole lot worse. My boss, Ken, is a Michael Scott type who is very easily distracted (our most common work diversions include flying r/c planes in the parking lot and watching random YouTube clips and video game trailers in his office -GTA anyone?), but does his job well and cares about the employees. And, as long as you are more mulish than him, you can generally convince him to give you days off, let you leave early, whatever. The phone work is boring, but the pay is good and because there are more than 60 employees there's always enough drama to keep things entertaining (especially when Ken is looking up the criminal records of workers and broadcasting them on the calling floor- certainly some privacy law violations, if not just extreme impropriety).

I've met some amazingly talented people there, some of my best friends. Even though it's not labor intensive at all -physically or mentally- and it's only part-time, I plan on working there for the forseeable future. Sam and Erin, criticize all you want (and many of those criticisms are just), but I'm extremely grateful for a job in which I can joke about my history as a bandit with upper management and feel completely comfortable, a job in which my boss and most of my co-workers are genuinely interested in my non-work life. That type of loyalty deserves to be returned.

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