Thursday, February 7, 2008


Tonight I played in a Mormon 'ward ball' basketball game. Though not technically a member of the religion anymore the rules (and need for participants) are loose enought to allow anyone who musters the energy to show up at the gym to play. I didn't play particularly well but we still won, and I'm presently basking in the glow a win brings - along with the endorphin high. By no means am I a 'jock,' but I really love sports and all they give us; I just don't understand why do many 'intellectuals' deride them as something that is childish and beneath them. Don't misread where I'm going with this; I'm not about to launch into an anti-intellectual tirade as I consider myself rather intellectual, but some of the most admirable human traits are found in sports -especially team sports. In these, unselfishness, dedication, and sacrifice - not to mention the odd pairing of humility and self-confidence - are necessary for success. Why denigrate such practices simply because they don't involve analytical cerebral activity you think is worth pursuing (which they do - just a more applicable analysis than is typical)?

I apologize to those who will read this blog. It's extremely random, not very relatable to most things in our daily lives, and short. But I'm feeling eerily content with my life right now, and it's the only thing I could think to write about. I promise that more meaningful posts will come, just give it time and realize that there is worth and beauty in even the most seemingly mundane things we do.

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