Sunday, January 27, 2008

What I Love About Mormonism

As an apostacized (ex) Mormon, there are many things about the LDS faith that I dislike and much I disagree with. But, while those may appear in other posts from time to time, here are some of the things about the religion and culture I appreciate the most:

I love the practice of referring to other members as "Brother" and "Sister." Even if there is no god, no afterlife we are all still members of the same body of humanity. Such forms of address, I feel, are a beautiful reminder of the commonality of our experience with life and the mutual respect we should have for one another.

I love the fact that most Mormons are respectful of others' beliefs and are not aggressive about imposing their faith on others. There are many exceptions, especially here in Utah where it's easy to adopt an "us versus them" mentality, but in my experience (leaving the Church, going to jail, etc.) my family and neighbors - predominantly LDS - have been far more concerned about letting me know they love me than trying to correct my errors in belief.

I love the fact that Mormonism has a lay clergy. While this often leads to unpredictable, humorous, and sometimes offensive and ignorant sermons, it also ensures that members have an active interest in Church policy, doctrine, and affairs. This thread of participation binds everyone together and is conducive to feelings of brotherhood and empathy.

Again, I'm not officially a Mormon anymore, and for all the good there is a lot of bad. But from time to time I feel a need to assert its positive aspects - as much for my benefit as others'. Because, for better or worse, I am still a cultural mormon and will probably be for the remainder of my life.

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